Our Values
Levira is co-operation-oriented technology company and this focused partnership is balanced from the past with trust and from the future with the agility. Our value system is ACT-ing.
We will make things happen.

We are open for new proposals and we are brave to test new ideas which are challenging comparing with ordinary and traditional mindsets. Based on our existing competence we will change our processes very quickly and make magic there, when nobody else can wait them. We are fast without rushing. Our speed is calculated.
Our team is tuned for synergy. As people we all are different but each of us will supplement others and result is smooth and optimal communication inside and outside of company in relations with clients and partners. We are good listeners and can provide successful solutions on base of hearings.
This is our DNA –synergetic partnership.

We keep our promises and deadlines. Our acting is transparent and fair, our motives are clear and ethical. We are good in vision creation and in execution.
We are confident about tomorrow's business because loyalty and confidentiality are appreciated by us.
Our trust is achieved.